Our company, TOM-FERR Zrt., was awarded Best Managed in 2022 Companies – Excellently Managed Private Companies in Hungary, a rating by Deloitte first to launch in Hungary this year. The program itself has been running internationally for several decades and its purpose is to support and recognize domestically owned and managed private companies. The award ceremony took place on 17th November at the Museum of Fine Arts , where the list of companies receiving the certification was announced. Our company was represented, among others, by our CEO, founder and majority owner Mr. Oszkár Laczkó, and the financial director Mrs. Judit Király.

In order to win the award, an application material had to be prepared, which was evaluated by an independent professional jury. The jury was formed by the CEO of Budapest Stock Exchange, the Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the Budapest University of Economics, a member of the board of directors and deputy CEO of OTP Bank, the managing director responsible for economic analysis and competitiveness of the Hungarian National Bank, and the vice president of the National Association of Hungarian Manufacturers.

Winning the award required the successful work of all employees of TOM-FERR Zrt., for which we thank you all!

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